
Michel Breau

Tim Nellis
Past President

Natasha McKenzie

Maryse Smith

Michel Breau
Director - Hockey Operations

Michel Breau
Director - Development

Mark Kaluski
Director - Discipline

Lindsay Young
Director - Competitive Hockey

Michel Breau
Director - Spring 4 on 4

Stephanie Lane-Kaluski
Director - Outreach

Luc Casault

Sophia Alleyne

Eric Magnan
Equipment Manager

Adrian Movileanu
Ice Manager and Scheduler 2

Judy Waldron
Ice Manager and Scheduler

Sophia Alleyne
U7 Convener

Michel Breau
U11 Convenor

Natasha McKenzie
U18/U21 Convenor

Sarah McLennan
Coordinator - Risk and Safety

Maryse Smith
U9 Convenor

Lindsay Young
U15 Convenor

Judy Waldron
Coordinator - Risk and Safety

Chris McArthur
Chairperson - Fundraising / Sponsorship

Bob Sawchuk
Chairperson – Social Media

Leonard Howley
GHA Convenor / Game Switches

Jennifer Des Groseillers
Chairperson - GCMHA Cougar Cup Tournament

Stephane Dusablon
Website Content Manager