Gathering parent feedback on Scotiabank Community Hockey Sponsorship Program


Dear Parents,
As you may be aware, this season your child(ren)'s hockey team was sponsored by Scotiabank's Community Hockey Sponsorship Program for the 2017/18 season, and Scotiabank would like to hear your opinion on the program. Charlton Insights (an independent research firm), has developed a quick and easy-to-complete online survey to collect your feedback. Please click on the link below to access the survey:
A reward to you for helping us.
To thank you for your time, you will be personally entered in a draw to win 1 of 4 $100 gift codes. And, we will also enter every team with at least 5 parents completing the survey into a draw for a $500 pre-paid Visa card!
The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and can be completed any time. Please note the survey must be completed before March 26th, 2018 to be eligible for the draws.
Please be assured that all responses will remain confidential and no individual respondent information will be provided to anyone at the Scotiabank Group of Companies. If there are any difficulties or questions about completing the survey, please call Charlton Insights at 416-480-2131 ext. 306 or email us at
Thank you. We look forward to your feedback!
Charlton Insights