Registration 23-24

Registration is now open for the upcoming 2023-2024 hockey season! The rust-off, sort-out and team formation process begins immediately after Labour Day, with league games set to begin in October. For U7, the first ice-times start in October.

Registration for GCMHA and OMHA players will occur on the Orleans Rush website at the following link: OMHA Registration Page.

For those interested in the Blues Rep B program, you can register for the tryouts on the Blues website through the following link: Blues Hockey/Registration

As a volunteer-based association, we are always looking for people to help out with activities throughout the season! If you are interested in coaching, evaluating at sort-outs or managing a team this season, please reach out to the OMHA Vice President.

Please note that the registration fees will increase on August 15th, so take advantage of the early bird discount and register before then. Please make sure you check your email and the OMHA website regularly for start dates and key season information. All official communications will be done through those two platforms.  We also have a presence on social media.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.  You will find reminders of our official messages, helpful information for your hockey season and, most importantly, stories and celebrations of our hockey community.  

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact any of our board members.